Essex-Kent Cage Bird Society Logo  
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Essex-Kent Cage Bird Society was formed by people who had a common interest in birds.
Our club was formed in 1976 with these goals in mind:
- To promote the caring, breeding and keeping of all cage birds.
- To establish interest and to educate the members and the general public in the proper care and keeping of cage birds.
- To collect and make available any scientific knowledge on the breeding, care and the improvement of any species of cage birds.
- To bring together interested persons by way of meetings, bulletins, shows and exhibitions.
- Preserving species where their natural habitat is being destroyed.

If you live in the Essex-Kent region of Ontario and wish to join please click the 'Email Us' Link


Check out the new book review - The Wisdom of Birds: An Illustrated History of Ornithology

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Last updated: March 29, 2022

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